Monday, January 19, 2009

The month of October

The begining of this post will consist of more photos from around and then jump into the snow... Mark went to Louisiana for training this month October, I remember it well, October 6th on a Monday night, it was our 7th wedding anniversary and we had an FRG meeting on post...we went out to dinner the night before and then Mark was gone on the 8th. YAY!!! we just got settled and he was already leaving us for wasn't bad at all. The training lasted 3 weeks and he was due home on Halloween morning. We had our first pre-mature snow...according to the locals it is rare if not, it never snows in October.. I was told I was to blame because I went out and got the kids snow gear and I jinxed it...hahaha

Sorry you have to tilt your head but this is a shot of a hydrant with a flag on it...know why it needs a the snow plowers dont hit it silly!!!!! that is a few houses away from us by the school bus drop off...I got a picture while I was waiting for Matt.- by the way all kids ride the bus to school

This is a shot of WalMart from up the street, yep I'm that close to a super WalMart...and the next shot is for horses parking!!!!!....does your WalMart have that .....hahahahahaha....note the change in the way the sky looks from one day to the was kinda freaky for me, but pretty

So lets fast forward to October 28th, in California it was in the 90's, but here in Watertown, we were getting our first snow...I was so excited I started taking pictures like a jackass you'll see

Now you can see a side by side view of early and later.......

And then the next day....

Then it was the 30th and it all started to melt....
Look I had pretty icicles and we made a snowman in the front yard. He has hockey stick arms, real coal eyes and he is representing Gryffindor with his scarf and beanie...
Mark came home the next day as scheduled and we surprised Matty at school during his Halloween parade..he was Darth Vadar sans the mask....he was so happy to see Dad...and that concludes October and the only picture from Halloween... see snow on the ground..Bbrrrrr

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