Monday, January 19, 2009


WELCOME FALL .........

The Summer sun faded in October.... it took the greenery and gave us the warm colors of Fall.
Here is a shot of the playground directly out our sliding glass doors, how convenient for me and the boys huh!!!...note the blue sky in September, then note the graying sky the next month

The next few weeks went by fast and soon I found myself decorating for the Fall.
The neighborhood was changing very rapidly too. One day it was sunny then rainy and the leaves started to change. In a matter of 3 weeks the leaves fell off the trees. I was very lucky to have gotten the pictures that I did. When I drove around taking pictures of our new town I had no idea that I had great timing, because as soon as I got the pictures into the computer we already had snow falling...Here's some inside decor...

Now lets go outside to the porch...yes I went all country with the bale of hay

Here's the road to Matt's school and the a picture of the school....I love the columns

Now lets go see some country roadside beauty.... this is on Fort Drum then I left...

Next I saw that we have a drive in and these are pictures from around there

This is Black River, its a town right next to us, the kids love to look at the water

And now the last picture I took on our way home, I stopped on the side or the road. Words nor this picture, can really capture the beauty of nature but I had to get this shot. This is the kind of vision you have from the highway and the roads around graffiti, no trash, and no big buildings, just nature.....its really pretty

Okay I have no pictures of our first Halloween...I know save it, we went trick or treating in the neighborhood, I even had the camera with me, but I was enjoying being with the kids and didn't feel like seeing my kids first Halloween in the snow through a camera lens waiting for the perfect shot...So the next post will have some snow in October and November shots

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